Monday, March 14, 2005

Methodius v Unowhoiam

You are all aware of the most prolific accusations in the Neurocam saga involving Methodius and the illusive Unowhoiam.

Well, I have posted Unowhoiam’s ravings with the greatest of interest and now, with great pleasure and respect for the man, I have permission to post Methodius’ defence to these accusations.

Make no mistake, I never believed for one second Methodius’ intentions were not honourable. I must however post all news regardless of its nature. I hope Methodius finds it in his heart to forgive anyone of us who doubted him in the first instance.

Methodius’ Response to Unowhoiams Allegations in two parts:


Your faith in me is most relieving. This email you were forwarded is conclusive evidence that the security of my current address has been breached, as the segment beginning "You are prudent..." and ending " few days" is in fact my own writing. However, this was sent to Avery Cardoza, not Mr. Hastings, and the following paragraph is entirely fabrication.

I suspect a conspiracy of sorts. I will contact you again shortly.



Your respect for privacy is an example to lesser men (unowhoimean). I will notify you in future if correspondence is to be withheld from the public eye, most likely with an expiration date. I am more than happy should you wish to publish this and previous communiqués, as I am keen for my good reputation to be reaffirmed as quickly as possible.

Mr. Cardoza has left a comment on your weblog explaining that "with the regard to the letter from Methodius included in onowhoiam's email, I got the same email from Methodius, just switch out Hastings' name with mine and nothing is different."

This is not entirely accurate, as he has unfortunately neglected to mention that the third paragraph in which I allegedly request details of my "promotion" is entirely fabricated by unowhoiam.

As Mr. Cardoza's has written in his weblog with a quote from Mr. Hastings, I am not, nor have I ever been a member of Neurocam's inner circle. I have requested that Mr. Cardoza contact you personally to confirm this.

Whether unowhoiam is a mentally unstable hoaxer making a bid for attention, or a misinformationist employed by Neurocam in order to distract us from our research, it is imperative that our investigations continue.


There you have it, from the horses mouth. I never doubted you Methodius, shame on you if you did.

PS: Please comment on your thoughts of "Who is UNOWHOIAM". He signs his e-mails Robin Hely, but make insinuations that he is Robert Henley. What do you think?

Remember a man/woman without an opinion may as well be dead!


Midnight said...

"unowhoiam" is simply a loony who is severly attention starved.

Anonymous said...

U are all insane! The time as come for me to begin my campaign! U are all going too perish!
God is going to punish Neurocams plotters!
U are all going used!
Lady J is a fox and I am the hunter!
I will feed on her loveliness

Unknown said...

It has been suggested by Methodius himself and you can see in my in my post - "This email you were forwarded is conclusive evidence that the security of my current address has been breached" - that his hotmail account has been hacked.

I can confirm that my hotmail account has been hacked by the same perpetrator, so this is the most likely story.

As an Investigator in the Private sector, and also my experience within the Military, I can also tell you that hacking e-mail accounts, especially hotmail, is quite an easy process and requires little more than a specific program and a keyword list.


sub-xero said...

Thankyou for putting that matter straight Avery, at least I know I can trust you after all.. and so can Methodius. And, here is a little message to RH: I'M GETTING CLOSER, YOUR 'THREATS' PHASE ME NOT, YOU'RE GOING DOWN. SO CONTACT ME PERSONALLY IF YOU HAVE THE METTLE. LIARS NEVER PROSPER.

Unknown said...


You should be able to reset the password by going through the Link "create a new password".

To get to this you must first enter the wrong password click sign in. The window will go to a new one asking for you to re-enter your password there you will find the link.

You need to know your initial registration details to complete the process.

Hope this helps.


Anonymous said...

I am going to bring you down betltane and expose you to all


Unknown said...

Oh yeah Mr Anonymous!!

Do your worst.