This is the last I am going to say on this subject. Like the majority of you, I am bored of this line of investigation. I am leaving it to another who will reveal all soon.
I just wanted to post an apology sent to me in the early hours of this morning, and to publicly accept it. There are no hard feelings between Delta and myself, and my communication to him in reply accepts a misunderstanding between both of us.
No hard feelings.
Delta Wrote:
I seem to have had a misunderstanding with you and wish to apologise. My overall intention was to draw RH out into the open and to expose him as the fraud he is. When I saw your blog entry I only had time to read quickly and wrongly assumed that you had been at the person on the other end.
My sincerest apologies for this mistake, this caused my somewhat hostile reaction. To be honest, I had suspected it was you, due to a similarity in writing. A also apologise for pumping you for info mation, but I assumed the best way to draw this fake out was to gain his trust by any means possible. I had thought it a trap from the beggining, but not in the sense it turned out to be. I had thought by using my publicly known email I would force you (if it was you) to reveal it was me, as RH couldnt know that.
I hope you can accept the sincerity of the apologies that I have made here. Once again, I regret what I had to do in order to gain his trust but I did want him to expose himself. I would have replied sooner but I have been in Edinbrugh the last couple of days and had no access to a PC (not even time to go to an internet cafe would you believe) to write it wth.
Sincerest regrets
Thanks for that Alex your a diamond gezzer.
Oh how the mighty shall fall, It would appear when power is taken away from a man, how desperate that man shall become. Fear is not respect, for when a dog fears it's master, it shall cowar, that is, until his back is turned..
Who are the Mighty?
When shall they fall?
Who is desperate and who is the dog?
Who in fact is the master?
Please clarify as this was supposed to be a peace making post.
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