It seems the whole of Neurocam and his dog is active at the moment and to this extent and purpose will be the downfall of an OPERATIVE.
I am slightly amused as to how what I am going to reveal, has evolved. Some may call it intuition, some may call it psychic insight, and I just call it "being too damn nosy to be true". So campers I will tell a short story followed by some evidence for you all to peruse.
Not long ago I posted a blog about Nigerian Money Scams and was not surprised to receive a frantic e-mail from Operative Delta. Operative Delta seemed concerned about the nether regions of Neurocam Operatives being implicated in some sort of way to any crime allegedly committed by Robert Henley.
Being dutiful as I am and obviously wanting to put a concerned Operatives mind to rest I sent him assurances that he was in no danger. At this time the correspondent was polite and courteous and I had no concern. Over the coming week Operative Delta sent me a number of requests for more information. I became suspicious. These probes were delicate in nature and included references to my sources and my personal background namely my military experience.
I casually replied to these requests and my final missive included "some" of my experience gained, I was careful not to publish anything that I was not prepared to make public.
The betrayal of Operative Delta has become apparent finally, when today not long ago I sent him one final mail, this mail has ended up returning to me from a source we all know and love. UNOWHOIAM couldn’t wait, it seems to forward the information gained about me through Operative Delta and I take extreme pleasure now to publish the e-mail that was sent and expose, not only UNOWHOIAM (Robin Hely NC) but also his informant Operative Delta Aka Alex West, Aka James Kent.
Let this be a warning to who ever take’s me on. It’s very rare that I lose.
So Charlie, I understand you have recieved these as well? It's OK I know you wouldn't be responsible for such a childish and amaturish attempt.
Here is Operative Delta’s Pathetic attempt to source information out of me.
From :
Robin Hely
Sent :
16 March 2005 18:56:59
To :,,
Subject :
RE: More on Beltaine
Well done I would like to know what hastings has to say on the matter!
From: "James Kent"
Subject: More on Beltaine
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 16:54:00 +0000
Apology for me late reply, I have been working on other matters somewhat more pressing today. Anyway regarding your information on the Nigerian Money Scams. It was not simply a case of running information checks on Nigerian Scams. My evidence was obtained whilst conducting an intensive intelligence search on Robert Henley.
My Agency was sent a series of mailed messages from these characters, mainly Henley to various other potential victims and associates involved in the scams. My agency watch most types of organizations as a matter of choice and I often collaborate my research with various other organizations like The Federal Bureau of Investigation, The Central Intelligence Agency and Interpol amongst others. We spent about 72 hrs deciphering encrypted code from a communication Website developed by scammers for communication purposes. This also led to a site created by Henley for the same purpose, which listed associates and their correspondences on the matters. I am afraid this is all the information you are going to get on this subject.
As for my Military Background, I was in the Royal Green Jackets for a number of years before being transferred into the 14th Intelligence Corps (known in the Army as DET). I have worked alongside a number of agencies and have even worked with Delta Force. I specialise in a number of skills and operate for many different sectors, including but not restricted to, corporate clients, commercial clients and public clients. My specialities are; Covert Surveillance, Counter Surveillance Techniques, Electronic Surveillance, Electronic Counter Surveillance, Static Urban Surveillance, Security. Whilst in the Army I worked in the Counter Revolutionary Warfare, Counter Terrorism and Hostage Risk sectors.
I hope this is of some interest. Whilst my experience is of no secret you will need to appreciate my need for personal security and to this intent I will not disclose any other Regiments that I have been affiliated to or been a member of within the Army.
Let the truth prevail
Looks like the 14th Intelligence Corps bears out. It would also seem that he has mainly used his Comms knowldge to get this far, though I have no doubt that he has at least a couple of human resources. Is that enough for your needs? _________________________________________________________________
Not to seem obtuse, but... so what?
I'm having trouble following the thread of your account; I'm not even sure who is betraying who.
But furthermore I don't see how this "expose" has any bearing on the Neurocam experience, or at least mine in particular.
Or am I missing something?
Oh good, I thought it was just me who thought there was a proliferation of molehills with Edmund Hillary's sentiments.
It was not my intention to gain sympathy, support, to win friends or influence people when I posted this article.
It also not my intention or duty to educate. If you are finding it difficult to decipher the message contained in the post, then maybe you should re-consider your basic intellectual worth to Neurocam?
Without re-writing the post to point out the obvious here is a text from it. "UNOWHOIAM couldn’t wait, it seems to forward the information gained about me through Operative Delta" substitute the word "gained" for words "intentionally probed for use to gain allegience to the un-wholesome UNOWHOIAM"
Finally, if you wish to trust a fellow Operative willing to have such allegience then more fool you!
Operative Delta,
It is most un-wholesome of you to try and wriggle your way out of this exposé.
I need not set a trap. You shot your own foot. Do I really need to further humiliate you and post all the documentation that I recieved from UNOWHOIAM?
I feel UNOWHOIAM'S goal is to create discord amongst operatives and to this end, I feel he has in some degree achieved this.
I only hope that you will not fall for such a blatant set up again.
Maybe however, you won't, because maybe you ARE unowhoiam.
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