Friday, April 29, 2005

Another one bites the dust

Did you open the mail?

Was it a trick or a genuine mistake?

Did Nevielle resign because of it or for another reason?

Are we tricked into believing this was the reason?

What do you think?

Answers on a postcard please.

Ok a comment will do


Simon Blackmoore said...

I've started slipping the phrase "Myth propagation" into my everyday conversation... and it has had sexy results!

Unknown said...

The fact that it came from a Neurocam email address makes it a legitimate issue, even if Neurocam placed a strangle hold over direct action.

Are you saying Neurocam Lies? What do you feel about that Bridget?

If you are saying they tell lies, then how can my advertisement of them be rumour or even speculation? You need to look at how you comment Luther, I have noticed your bossy nature on many a blog.

Your are certainly NOT in a position to tell me what I can advertise and what I cannot. Nor are you in a position to tell me what I can speculate on or even investigate.

Who put you in charge?

The phrase too big for ya boots springs to mind

Unknown said...

Testing Operatives composure! Don't make me laugh.
Do yo really think Neurocam are that childish they need to test Operatives constraint at posting the news.

I never said that I opened the mail? That showed constraint in the first issue. I just posted the news my friend.

The next time I am need of advise on one of my post I will come and ask you for it.


Maybe Neurocam have decided that, like me, they don't give a shit about spelling mistakes anymore and that grammatical issues have no relevence in the grand scheme of things.

Chew on that Yall

Anonymous said...

Correct gramma and punctuation are a keystone in expressing a professional nature towards the public.

Says Who?

How do you know?

Did you eat a public relations manual for breakfast?

Show me a passage in a public relations manual for corperations that states " all email correspondances must have correct grammer and puntuation.

I have said it once and I shall say it again

Get a fucking life you spell freaks

Unknown said...

You probably right Yantra. I do love a good fillet o fish LOL