Friday, April 01, 2005

Moon Phases

I have decided to add a real time moon phase calculator which should show you your current moon phase dependant on your time zone. This is a useful tool for budding magicians, pagans and witches alike. The moon phases can have a significant effect on a witches ritual.

For Wiccans and other Pagans, the three phases of the moon represent the three aspects of the Triple Goddess. The sliver of the waxing moon represents the Maiden aspect of the Goddess, the gravid full moon the Mother Goddess, and the waning (and new moon) the Crone. This concept is very important to Wiccans. The cycles of the moon and Goddess are reflective of the cycles within our own lives - cycles of days, months, seasons, years, and life passages. (It is important to point out that these cycles are reflected in the cycles of the God, as well. However, moon energy is very often attributed to the Goddess, and it is from that perspective that I proceed.)

In terms of celebrations and magic or spell working, I tend to look at the moon as having four phases, really, although they overlap, like a series of interlocking rings: Full Moon to Waning Moon to New Moon to Waxing Moon to Full Moon again.

From the Council of Witches' Principles of Belief #1 - "We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of the Moon and the seasonal quarters and cross-quarters." From this I gather a validation of my belief that to be Pagan, Witch, or Wiccan, one must thoughtfully follow the spirals and circles of life. There are patterns and circles in all parts of life - a study of the phases of the Moon and what she means to us has been helpful to me in seeing these patterns and cycles of everday life!

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