Sunday, April 03, 2005

Harry J Slime

Firstly I would like to apologise for my bad spelling error in the tiltle of this blog.

Mr Lime, aka

By now the e-mail I have sent you, in reply to your ludicrous attempt at intimidation, is hurtling through cyberspace to all recipients who give a shit. No doubt most of them will probably delete it without reading it. My intention is to not repeat the reply but to simply say to you publically that I think you should take your greviences elsewhere.

Poor Luther who was the original recipient of Harrys threats, is in a right two and eight. I feel sorry for him and other new bloggers who will now become the object of a sad mans ambition to exact revenge on me.

Well carry on and abuse me if you will Harry but please, leave the newbies alone.

No doubt Harry will counter that this is all an act but hey damned if I do, damned if I don't.


Unknown said...

Avery, I was sent the e-mail from The rjhenley account may or may not be active now I do not know. I get the same problem with the hour too.
All original correspondance was through the rjhenley account and my fictitous robinhelync account. Harry sent the exposé through the slime account.

Anonymous said...

Beltain, trust and respect are hard won things in the online world, by virtue of the fact that one often only has another's word that they are whom they pupport to be. Once a person has lied, harrased, threatened and otherwise done everthing within their power solely to garner attention. It should come as no surprise to them when their every action is viewed with suspicion, searched for hidden motives.
However should a person seek to start afresh, they can do so with relative ease. Discard their failed persona and create it anew.

Unknown said...

Firstly, I agree to an extent your remark Suicidal Muppet. However, I have not asked for respect from anyone and I do not ask for anyone to form allegience with me. My blog is a report of my findings and a place to unleash what I so desire. With that in mind you will find your comment irrelevent.

Secondly, I urge you to consider the fact that worms often turn and frequently. The friend you confide in and who has gained your trust can easily turn traitor and become the devil.

Thirdly, have you realised that I did not discard my persona. I do not believe I have failed. I do not believe that I have need to hide behind a different ID.

Lastly, what ID are you hidden behind?

Chris Titan said...

The Reality Artificers

It would be unfair to call either The War of the Worlds or Ghostwatch hoaxes. They weren't created with the intention to mislead; rather, they were created as short, exceptionally convincing and immersive forms of entertainment. In order to construct a believable reality, they adopted the camouflage and traditions of familiar and trustworthy programmes on radio and TV - news broadcasts and live documentaries - and made the medium of those programmes the message. In both cases, interviews, overlapping and awkward dialogue, transmission problems and dead air were all employed to intensify the reality.

Anonymous said...

"The Third Man" isn't too bad a film.