Saturday, April 02, 2005


123123786486456328654823764842348287423874682734687236 487236487236874238742349238473247239498234789478923489 237492374234237942379472347239492347923492398472398472 398472938479238479238479237492374892374923749829753098 646864645690960969966666666666565656565677775444522154 6798876966863068059547586795777784864748967
message end

Its either cryptography that we will never crack without the code.
Or its a load of bollox and ain't worth the time of day.

You decide.

Vote by leaving a comment.


Hamish said...

The latter. For sure.

Anonymous said...

I believe it is nonsense.


Unknown said...

Chaos Magik is postmodern magik undertaken by interested parties. Normally magicians of this type of magik utilise the skills of our ancestors no matter what the religeous denomination. They generally intermingle the magical states to acieve the desired results in a ritual. Chaos Magicians hold no relegious denomination.

Unknown said...

And now the Robin Hely site

has turned all blue and there is no text on it.