Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Trevor Wales Hypnotherapist Presents: Demonic Alien Agenda

 I think it worthy of fairly serious consideration. Having recently read Mike Orams Book ‘Does it rain in other Dimensions?’,( where a transcription of conversations between abductee and ET under hypnosis seem to be totally vague and ambiguous) and previously only very recently Nick Redferns book ‘Final Events’ and before this Whitley Strieber’s fictitious novel’ 2012 the battle for souls’ I think this video joins a lot of dots.

As a young man I became interested in the subject of UFO contact and ancient advanced civilisations.
Having read widely over many years on the subject of ET contact the older I get I’m now not so sure and haven’t been sure for a long time if ETs are actually the peaceful intergalactic travelers which would all like to believe.

Almost without exception every story of alien abduction has a very sinister side to it. When one even looks at the very notion of taking a human being against their will that is in itself a violation of God’s gift of free will to humanity. And it is this reason that has drawn me closer to this emerging view point that a large number of other respected researchers are coming to now. I rather venture to speculate that the friendly contacts at the outset of the close encounter phenomenon that has been documented over many years was simply no more than ET checking us out and pushing the boundaries to see how far we would go. Maybe over the decades ET has simply become more audacious in approach and we have for the last thirty years begun to see the true nature of ET, however unclear the agenda may be.

I have been rather coming around to the same conclusions and viewpoints that researchers such as Budd Hopkins, John Mack and Authors Jacques Valee, Nick Redfern, Louis Pauwels, Jacques Bergier, hold. namely that there is inconclusive evidence to prove that we are dealing with benign advanced beings from another distant part of the universe but that we could in reality be being deceived by inter dimensional demonic entities who feed off of humanities soul energy steeped in fear/terror etc, Although this video has a very evangelistic message which could put some viewers off
I think that the suggestive evidence in the narrative of biblical prophecy is something both disturbing on one level taken from a cultish extreme point of view but on another level , taking the overtly banging the drum for Jesus out of the picture , the core message does makes quite a lot of sense. Perhaps it’s time to look at the teachings of Biblical prophecy in a different light?
I personally think mankind could very easily be duped by a sinister race who wished to take control of our hearts and mind. Perhaps there is something in the biblical teachings about evil spirits after all? Maybe all the wars we have experienced, particularly over the last 100 years or so have been subtly orchestrated by demonic beings hell bent on a feeding frenzy of negative energy? In the human condition what else apart from natural disaster can produce so much terror as war and challenge to mankind’s innate freedom.

We are as a modern species so in awe of technology and should ET show up promising us freedom from ourselves and all of our vices and limitations and just like the Talons in the Sci Fi program Earth Final conflict, I believe we could easily be duped and it could all well be too late to turn back the clock for our salvation by ourselves when mankind realizes what is really happening. I think Gene Roddenberry was trying to warn mankind that this could be an outcome when he wrote the series.

I have to apologies to any Christian person when I say this, but re- reading the bible, with a fresh perspective, particularly the book of Revelation and interpolating modern knowledge and the possibilities for using sophisticated modern technology for deception and mass mind control coupled perhaps with a willing submission on the part of our world governments and leaders speaking for all of us giving control of our egos to an advanced alien race who want to show us the path to true peace whilst getting us to scrap any means of defending ourselves all begins to draw a modern day picture of possibilities that look potentially terrifying.

Perhaps if ET makes it through the portal into our dimension it will be the beginning of the era of the antichrist? I think it behoves mankind to be objective, open minded, whilst keeping a good measure of wisely placed mistrust and cynicism in check. After all as the commentator in the film states, a hustler will always make his victim feel cosy, warm and comfortable before the sting is delivered and would any of us put our trust in being sold a lifetime dream without really checking all the facts first until we were completely sure?

Side Note from Beltaine: I couldnt give a toss what Christians think about this article, I guess Trevor's far more polite than I am. #titters

A message from our Trevor

Hi Beltaine: Could you do me a favour and put these up on your page on beltaine blog as I cant for some reason.
 Many thanks.

As a Clinical hypnotherapist operating within the boundaries of my governing bodies code of ethics, of paramount importance to me is my client’s welfare. The subject of Hypnotherapy is diverse and the issues it can be used to help people heal or improve or change are manifest. Hypnotic regression has been successfully used on many occasions over many years to take a person back to a previous event in their lives that has been forgotten about where they can recall their experiences. It is well known that people who have misplaced something, whilst under regression come out of hypnosis knowing exactly where they placed the missing item.

Sometimes in the great tapestry of human experience we may experience things which have no basis in our constructs of known reality and the experiences can seem so real and traumatic. Sometimes too those experiences can be given even greater resonance and validity when it is backed up by third party evidence or material evidence. For the individual experiencing this it can be extremely traumatic and they may well suffer in silence being tortured by the very uncertainty of their situation relative to the so called ‘Normal’ expectations of reality.After all just how do you explain to those nearest and dearest that something strange and unexplainable has happened to you without fear of ridicule or serious question of mental health issues.

My job as a clinical hypnotherapist is to be supportive, non judgemental and impartial and my job is to help my clients find closure and healing. Of course, my governing bodies code of ethics expects, quite rightly if I were to be partial to disclosures from an individual that they were putting the welfare and safety of themselves or another at risk, I would need to take action to prevent those situations from happening.

Very recently I read about an eminent doctor in the USA who whilst treating a specialist colleague for anxiety made an important discovery. All of his methods he used produced no positive improvement in the patient’s situation. One day in hypnosis he instructed this client who was a devout Catholic to go back to the time her anxiety first happened. In that regression this patient who had no beliefs in re-incarnation went back to a previous life experience. The Doctor was astounded because he was a formal academic doctor with no spiritual beliefs. The Doctor went on further to work with his patient over a period of several years investigating her past life recollections which were often spectacular and cosmic in nature, with past life incarnations on other planets. Some of the patients regressions clearly showed historical inaccuracies and the patient had no idea of what she was recalling because whilst under hypnosis the critical conscious faculty is by –passed and as with most clients upon awakening , amnesia was immediately experienced. The doctor became so fascinated by this that he embarked on a mission to study other people to see if he could prove past lives to be a reality. He never achieved that but many years later what he came to realise was that it in itself was not important, what was ,was that his patient from the moment she re-visited her past life experience she became free of her anxiety. His conclusion was that it was the intervention that was important and whether re-incarnation was true or false really didn’t matter. What matters was that he had made an important accidental discovery which helped his patient become a whole fully functioning human being again who was able to continue to do her vital job in the hospital. The workings of the human mind are very complex and it is so important to keep an open mind. Incidentally his patient neither believed in Re-incarnation or was anyway moved to believe that what she was bringing to the therapy couch was a true experience.

If you are reading this and you think you have had an anomalous experience which you can’t explain and it has turned your world inside out and you would like someone to talk to who will listen and take you seriously and help you make sense of what is happening to you, try me. It’s a very big first step , but once you make it you will feel much better just for having started the ball rolling to make sense of your world model.

I know this to be a true fact as I have just recently taken a call from someone hundreds of miles away from Cornwall who now has some hope of making some kind of sense of their experiences and who approached me because they are looking for a way to deal with it in a way that helps them find acceptance or release from it.

Whether you believe that you may have been abducted and have experienced missing time and perhaps are trouble by vivid flashbacks or that you are permanently troubled by a reincarnation memory of someone in a past life who died horribly and is taunted daily by reliving the experience, all that really matters is finding a way to heal the past and letting it go so that you become a happy whole human being. I can help with this. I have an open mind and I do believe sometimes that life is not as black and white as we see it. Through my professional association with other therapists I have resources and contacts with well respected therapists and researchers in the field of anomalous experiences and Abduction phenomena who are able to give additional support where neccessary.

Please feel free to get in touch. 01726 211041. Free consultation service.


+441726211041 please ask for Trevor because Beltaine will not be available to take your call.

Saturday, June 02, 2012


Okay so someone wants me to post this, obviously they are proud of their work

Me, well I could hold onto the information for a day or two but why bother, you'll make your assumptions anyways

twitter account opened 4mins ago

My post about it now,

you figure out the coincidences


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Who is SHE!!

Someone asked me about whois last night, I was tucking into a spam sandwich, it was cold, no the night you idiot

Domain ID:D162141511-LROR


Created On:28-Apr-2011 09:23:30 UTC

Last Updated On:28-Jun-2011 03:49:37 UTC

Expiration Date:28-Apr-2013 09:23:30 UTC

Sponsoring Registrar:GoDaddy.com, LLC (R91-LROR)





Registrant ID:CR81658212

Registrant Name:Registration Private

Registrant Organization:Domains By Proxy, LLC

Registrant Street1:DomainsByProxy.com

Registrant Street2:15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353

Registrant Street3:

Registrant City:Scottsdale

Registrant State/Province:Arizona

Registrant Postal Code:85260

Registrant Country:US

Registrant Phone:+1.4806242599

Registrant Phone Ext.:

Registrant FAX:+1.4806242598

Registrant FAX Ext.:

Registrant Email:NEUROCAM.ORG@domainsbyproxy.com

Admin ID:CR81658214

Admin Name:Registration Private

Admin Organization:Domains By Proxy, LLC

Admin Street1:DomainsByProxy.com

Admin Street2:15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353

Admin Street3:

Admin City:Scottsdale

Admin State/Province:Arizona

Admin Postal Code:85260

Admin Country:US

Admin Phone:+1.4806242599

Admin Phone Ext.:

Admin FAX:+1.4806242598

Admin FAX Ext.:

Admin Email:NEUROCAM.ORG@domainsbyproxy.com

Tech ID:CR81658213

Tech Name:Registration Private

Tech Organization:Domains By Proxy, LLC

Tech Street1:DomainsByProxy.com

Tech Street2:15111 N. Hayden Rd., Ste 160, PMB 353

Tech Street3:

Tech City:Scottsdale

Tech State/Province:Arizona

Tech Postal Code:85260

Tech Country:US

Tech Phone:+1.4806242599

Tech Phone Ext.:

Tech FAX:+1.4806242598

Tech FAX Ext.:

Tech Email:NEUROCAM.ORG@domainsbyproxy.com



Name Server: 

Name Server: 

Name Server: 

Name Server: 

Name Server: 

Name Server: 
Bit boring but T.I.T.A.N agents aim to please all our consumers
This ones for you Lucas

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mr Sac Wad is a Brit

I just watched the operations acceptance video and the opening credits remind me of the time when I was undercover for the military and wandered into a mushroom infested area. After 3weeks of poor nutrients the mushrooms look to good to waste and I sat there and munched a few. The result was a rather garbled mess on transmission of my sitrep, this video would have been the visual version of y own predicament.
And so Mr Sac Wad seems to be a Brit.........
No ffs its not me!!!!!!!!!!!!

Agents of T.I.T.A.N
embracing change

Neurocam uses Reverse Psychologcal Therapy on Phase666 Operatives

Looks like I'm forgiven, for now!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Look who's in the Reject Bin

As NCI's proverbial pain in the arse it goes without saying that my application will be met with ridicule and contempt but i wouldnt be Beltaine without at least some peer rejection!

Neurocams CEO is one hot mama, push door to open

When people are faced with frightening situations, they will take amazing precautions — even if the perceived threat never happens. People in coastal cities facing a possible hurricane will stock up on food, store water in their bathtubs and board up their windows. Just before the Year changed to the year 2011, NCI were worried that Titan Agents around the world would shut down organizations, bringing down power grids, ATM machines, gasoline stations, health care, transportation systems, financial and governmental services. NCI took precautions.

Look, finally the door is unlocked!

TITAN agents on Jeremy Kyle Show

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hipz art freaks out the homeless

I exited the office last night just after midnight and found this girl wandering around the tunnels, you silly bitch, the last young girl to venture down here ended up like this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Alien Abductee's in UK get help from Trevor

Have you ever had an experience that you can’t quite explain? Have you experienced missing time or awoken with unusual marks on your body that you can’t explain?
Do you think you might have been abducted and want someone to turn to who will treat you with the respect that you deserve who will be impartial; Non judgemental and willing to listen and to help you make sense of what you think has happened to you. Someone who will help you to come to terms with your experience.
I am a very open minded practitioner who has had an interest in the UFO phenomenon for over thirty years. I have read many books on the subject including the subject of alien abductions from authors such as Whitely Strieber, Edith Fiore P.H.D. Bud Hopkins , Mary Rodwell, Counsellor, Clinical hypnotherapist and Director of ACERN and many more.
Since January of this year I have been in regular contact with Mary Rodwell who is one of the world’s leading experts on the Alien abduction phenomenon. Mary Rodwell is the Director of ACERN which is the Australian Close Encounter Research Network which is based in Queensland, Australia. Mary is a highly respected professional in the world of hypnotherapy and who gives lectures all around the world.
I have been discussing with Mary many of the aspects of the Alien encounter/Abduction phenomenon. I will be working closely with Mary as an intermediary covering Cornwall and the surrounding counties who will be able to offer physical intervention in the event that one of Marys on line clients may need to see a therapist on a one to one basis. The purpose of this article is to let people know that I am available and that this is an area of interest to me and one that I am open minded about. The most important aspect for me as always from a therapist’s perspective is one of helping the client to resolve the presiding issue without judgement or prejudice of any kind thereby enabling to come to a satisfactory resolution with their issues and get on with leading their own lives in a happy and productive way.
If you have never been hypnotised, here is a very brief overview of the hypnotic process.
Hypnosis is very gentle and most subjects respond very well indeed. In fact almost anyone can be hypnotised if they are willing. For some situations involving personal issues such as fears /phobias/ trauma etc I use a combination of different therapies that combine hypnosis using dissociation and reframing techniques with some gentle inner change work using colour and feeling. This is very none invasive where past, often, painful memories are concerned
Hypnosis I believe offers the best chance of helping make permanent and positive change and in essence it is quite a simple process.
Because Hypnosis addresses the subconscious mind directly, putting the conscious thinking part of the mind to one side for a while it is far easier and more effective than using willpower or counselling to create rapid constructive helpful change.
During hypnosis by going back in time to a root cause memory, without the need to recall specific painful events/ emotion’s and talk about them, by using colour and feeling in light trance work, we can heal the emotional memories around the event, or events and create new more positive helpful beliefs allowing you to let go of the past and move on with your life in a much happier frame of mind.
Many changes can take place within a time scale of a few days to just several weeks, if it is a long standing issue that may have complex root causes. For more information please call me on: - 01726 211041

Monday, May 07, 2012

Roberto Scarpetta I thought you were MIA

See email,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Roberto Scarpetta
Date: Mon, May 7, 2012 at 9:38 PM
Subject: Meme Engineering
To: dedrick.holding@gmail.com
Cc: beltaine2323@googlemail.com, maharishi.nci@googlemail.com

Dear Beltaine,

After a long abscence your services are required. You are therefore
reinstated, action protocol 23142012


As you know I have no public blog, contact me through the usual channels.

Roberto Scarpetta
Assistant Director
Covert Operations

Two dolphins that died at a Neurocam Testing Center

Two dolphins that died at a Neurocam Testing Center after it hosted a rave were probably killed by a party-goer's Compound H67T substitute, according to a leaked toxicology report.

The dolphins, called Henley and Knight, died at a Classified Area in Lipperswil, Switzerland last November, just days after the rave.
Thousands of operatives had attended the weekend rave party after Neurocam Scientists rented out land near the dolphins' training pool.
At first it was thought that the blaring techno music (used in interrigation white noise techniques) had caused their deaths by damaging the dolphins' sensitive sonar and hearing.
The death went on for over an hour. It was horrendous. I have not been able to sleep since.
Operative Numar Clense

Dutch Nautonier Scientist expert Dick van Dyke said: "H67T is extremely dangerous for mammals we even have operatives MIA due to the potency of the stuff and should never be used in any end of season operative party.

The Glad Tidings of a Neurocam Operative in Texas: Apparently TITAN is active as well.http://3.bp.blo...

The Glad Tidings of a Neurocam Operative in Texas: Apparently TITAN is active as well.http://3.bp.blo...: Apparently TITAN is active as well. https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjUIuamtGFH-HqfY6vsV_OcxiP9eyC-jzNdywgvD1GeRm9zgBayiKDnXTOwGoiaJgFnlt0gUUP-bGBXGnge_7viyG4MVBXHsT9rYTtiQLg-lRl3mtYYKUf5YF6wLVEYusVi0A54eg/s1600/RugbyPoke.jpg

Agents of T.I.T.A.N carry out there own internal investigations!!!!!

Can I Have a Pizza Every Agent Please

Any 3 toppings you say? Well, can I have a Neurocam Operative, a Yellow-1 Agent and a slice O'T.I.T.A.N

The Glad Tidings of a Neurocam Operative in Texas: Gentlemen, if I may present a scenario,What has 8 ...

The Glad Tidings of a Neurocam Operative in Texas: Gentlemen, if I may present a scenario,What has 8 ...: Gentlemen, if I may present a scenario, What has 8 arms that have been seen, but only 3 of which have been revealed? Let us ruminate on th...

For those who have yet to find it, Belly Advises CLICK THE FUCKING LINK!

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Neurocam's Fund Raising Busted Wide Open

Agents of T.I.T.A.N have been investigating how NCI fund themselves and have over the years uncovered some unscrupulous methods one of those being the Robert Henley 419 Nigerian Scam. However recent events have come to light at the Kings Cross Office and a document containing one file appeared at my desk early hours of this morning the file Titled "NCI Fundraiser UK Offices" contained one picture, the picture says it all It seems like Operative PA has vanished, if anyone knows of his whereabouts they are to contact me post haste...

In other matters, Agents are to locate the whereabouts of Torin Caliva before Neurocam can get there sticky hands on him......

PTTS Protocols

The Glad Tidings of a Neurocam Operative in Texas: I operative J former senior member of NEUROCAM sha...

The Glad Tidings of a Neurocam Operative in Texas: I operative J former senior member of NEUROCAM sha...: I operative J former senior member of NEUROCAM shadow operations committee and restructuring committee hereby decree the immediate reinstate...

This certainly needs investigation, looks like someone has popped the cork on the wine casket and someone has sobered up?

Live in fear of Life?
Live in fear of Death?
Live in fear of Yourself?
Live in fear of Others?
Have low self esteem?
Cry at sad movies?

Then you need not apply T.I.T.A.N

Investigator in Chief
Agents of T.I.T.A.N

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Neurocam Operative Live Here?

They say that Neurocam is no more?

They say that you cannot, and will never find anyone who worked for NCI!

After extensive research and traveling the globe I have only found one clue, its in the picture below

Could this be the home for NCI operatives? They are creatures of habit and one would ascertain that to block out the mental torture an operative suffered at the Hands of Maxwell Knight, one would assume that copious quantities of Alcohol to be taken 4 times a day.

A halfway house must be near this sign, if you know where this is please comment as a matter or urgency.


Proof Aliens Inhabit Human Bodies

I have categorical proof that Aliens do take over the bodies of human beings.

Whilst driving to and from classified locations within the UK my 7yr old daughter had an interesting dialogue with me, leading to my conclusion that at some point in the last 24hrs a 6th dimensional being has inhabited her body and is now trying to communicate with me using her limited vocabulary. Here is the conversation.

Bethany: Daddy, our we in my world yet?

Me: Bethany we are always in your world!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Im starting to warm to God

God is an evil fucker, there is just no other way to put this and you know how much of a troll eating blunt munch I am.

My studies of the Bible, Gods book, is thrusting all sorts of warm sweet tasting bile into the back of my throat it makes me want to smear the filth all over my nipples in religious ecstacy, could Beltaine finally convert to GOD?

Well if I find any more stuff like this I just might!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NUM 31:14, 17, 18: "And Moses was wroth...And Moses said unto them, "Have ye saved all the women alive? ... Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman, ... But all the women children ... keep alive for yourselves."


Thursday, April 26, 2012

This is a classic from my investigative good old days, back in the days when we were commissioned by anonymous donors to investigate allegations into mind control by the CIA and Homeland Security and the control of patients falsely imprisoned against the will and fed drugs developed through alien technology given to our planet by the Pleiadians.

Outer Space Neurocam Agent

In the meantime I feel a very important Neuronews update needed on behalf of our NeuroAgent, that's NeuroAgent not NeuroticAgent............

A4 was brought by aliens from outerspace............

Neurocam has recruited operatives from other worldly planets to convey simple messages across the world on behalf of its Organization....

An interview with one such agent was carried out on Agent Blabbers behalf due to his illness, our replacement agent "who does not wished to be named for security reasons" set up the interview with Neurocams Outer Space Agent.

Agent Anon: What is your name?

Outer Space Neurocam Agent : Our names would be impossible for you earthlings to pronounce, so we take names from Marvel Comics and grade B outer space movies.

AA: Is that how you look in real life (see picture above)?

OSNA: I do not have a physical body. I am currently inhabiting the body of some fat slob couch potato I found sitting at his computer. I don't like it in here. He was in the process of downloading porn and swilling down beer when I took over his body.

AA: What information have you been researching on behalf of Neurocam?

OSNA: We have many helpful hints for your planet.

AA: For example?

OSNA: We have brought you technology which will enable you to resist the mind control rays from the HAARP Antenna, and other forms of government mind control, like TV. Our patented HAARP Antenna Neutralizer is guaranteed to block out mind-controlling rays, or your money back!

AA: Do you know anythng about Compound H67 T commonly called THE BROWNIE?

OSNA: We have figured out a way to get psychiatric patients to be more compliant with taking their medications. Simply give the drugs an outer space sounding name, like "Serenion", "Ulterian" etc. Tell the patient it is a Pleiadian drug. They'll gobble them right up, and stop all that annoying babbling. On my planet, we have drugs that make Thorazine seem like a refreshing pick-me-up.

AA: How long have you been working on behalf of Neurocam International?

OSNA: We have been trying to reach the people of your planet with urgent information for more than 50 years.

AA: Have you tried to communicate with any Earth Agents of Neurocam?

OSNA: We have tried to talk to agents such as Dan Pritchard, SoSS and many others but we have recently discovered that there have been serious credibility problems with the people we have selected to bring our message to you.

AA: What has been the problem with these Earth Agents?

OSNA: It seems that somehow, by some strange coincidence, every single person we have appeared to and given the task of informing the world of our intentions has been mentally ill.

AA: What has Neurocam Operations Department advised you to do about the problem?

OSNA: Neurocam Operations department has told us that they are currently developing more sophisticated screening methods and they hope to be able to select a sane human being to be our spokesperson, one who will be taken seriously. We urge you to be patient.

AA: What do you think of the new CEO Ms Harriet Moore?

OSNA: The woman told me she was from "the Pleiades", so I asked her "Whereabouts in the Pleiades are you from?". I tried to explain to her that the stars in that constellation only look like they're close together from here, but they are actually billions of miles apart. It's not like the Pleiades is a neighborhood.

AA: I bet that baffled her?

OSNA: I am plagued by such women, they are the bane of my existence.

AA: I am sorry to hear that. Before we conclude this interview is there anything else you would like to say?

OSNA: Yes I have a poem I have wriiten.

AA: Ok well read it out.

OSNA: Hello, I am Elerion V

Take a big, fat statue of the Buddha,
anoint his head with olive oil.
Now sit on it,
jump up and down,
up and down,
until you reach.....
AA: Is that all?
OSNA Its not finished yet.
AA: Oh really? Anyway, thanks for the interview hope you reach some intelligent Neurocam Operatives soon. Goodbye
OSNA: Hello, I am Elerion V

Eminem - Without Beltaine