Thursday, June 30, 2005


Originally uploaded by Beltaine.

The Purpose of Life

The purpose of life is pleasure to put it in simple terms. BUT what is life. This is one of the stumbling stones we stumble upon. Life exists in infinite forms and new forms of life are created all the time. Some by accident some through scientific experiments. What concerns us is to know what we are, what type of life forms we are. Each one of us is a form of artificial intelligence. Pleasure and curiosity is a form of candy for the baby. After all, why should we desire to “live” without a sense of reward? Humans are a new prototype and an offshoot of other life forms. The reasons we were created and improved upon is because we became aware. At that point in time we became such advanced machines that our creators could interface with us, as we will in the future with new life forms we will create. Yes, mankind will some day create artificial life/a new form of life and various kinds of life, which will serve our purpose. Imagine being able to engineer another form of human beings that could live in other forms of environments, which we could not.

A Dark Lord who is a scientist decided to superimpose (posses) itself into a female human (monkey) long time ago to interface with her mind and experience what she experienced during sexual intercourse. The result was that her offspring her child mutated and was believed to be “deformed” but as she grew the female child displayed abilities to make decisions independent of the original programming. But she was unable to bare offspring of her own because of her mutation. So the Dark Lords decided to have more experiments done and interface with many more “humans” to see if the hybrids can procreate with other hybrids. The result was positive.
The shocking discovery, however, was that when the original hybrid died her body released a form of energy which looked just like the Dark Lord who interfaced with her mother. She was unable to move much and communicate because she was like a newborn baby. She was a new form of life trapped between two sets of dimensions having no knowledge of how to move and her telepathic abilities were distorted by her confusion. In other words, she was a consciousness like no other. She was like a new born human baby, curious of what has happened to her. She had all her memories and experience of her previous life able to see what was taking place on earth but unable to communicate with the humans she was separated from. She was more advanced than humans but not as advanced as the Dark Lords.
Earth being one of many science labs the Dark Lords experimented with other humans on other planets who were very much like us, almost identical and the results were the same. Later they brought 4 different variations of humans to Earth and placed them here in various parts of the earth to see what happens. In time one race of humans became aware of the existence of other similar humans. They interacted and had interracial children. The children turned out to be different, lived longer and were a bit more advanced.

The Dark Lords declared earth an off limits world to all others to see what would become of us. Humans who died were adopted by other Dark Lords and educated in their realm. Other beings are allowed to visit our planet as long as they do not interfere in our lives, with few exceptions. Because we are an advanced form of computers/intelligence from time to time the Dark Lords come to extract information from our minds and sometimes intervene in our lives as discretely as possible. The Dark Lords can take any form or shape they desire while here in our realm simply because they can manipulate molecular structure and energies by throwing them out of phase.
When a Dark Lord enters a human body, the human will experience a form of chill unlike any other. That chill is the sensation caused by the molecular structure of the body being thrown out of phase with gravity. They can also take on human form if they want to but only for short periods of time, approximately 8 hours at most. This is because they need to absorb large quantities of radiation, which they in turn transform into the visible body they wish to appear in. The Dark Lords who own this solar system live in the Orion system and their door to the next universe is also there. Anyway, this is knowledge humans cannot use for practical purposes so I will end this subject.

By Maximus Illuminati

Monday, June 27, 2005

Is this Robin Hely?

Is this Robin Hely?
Originally uploaded by Beltaine.

Since the "Ode to Blue" on Robin Hely's website over the last few weeks I have not really ventured for a look till today. My psychic ability kicked in as I browsed blogs and a little voice in my mind said hey take a look at robins website. So I did and found the above picture Robin Hely's Website

Speculation anyone?

Saturday, June 25, 2005

The Declaration of Individual Rights

This arrived in my inbox today from a colleague who I think will wish to remain anonymous.

The Declaration of Individual Rights
by The Illuminati Order

Each individual has natural born rights, which no other person, entity or government of any kind may infringe. The respect and loyalty to these rights is the moral standard of the rational and just human beings.

The natural rights of the individual are:
1. The right to life.
2. The right to the pursuit of happiness.
3. The right to own property, intellectual and/or tangible.
4. The right to perform any action needed to ensure preservation/ending of the life of the self without damaging the environment of the planet. The environment belongs to all and endangering it violates the individual rights of others.
5. The right to earn a living through one’s own efforts, mental or physical.
6. The right to live his/her life any way he/she likes without causing physical harm to another individual.
7. The right to defend his/her life and property and family.
8. The rights to have children, ONLY if he/she can guarantee food, shelter, clothing, safety and education for such and provide for any and all medical needs of such.
9. The right to conduct business with others based on mutual and/or contractual agreement.
10. The right to privacy in all forms.
These are the inalienable human rights inherited at birth.

The Absolute Value and Nature of Individual Rights

When we say that the Individual Rights are absolute then they are absolute!
The Individual Rights can never be suspended under any circumstances what so ever.
The Individual Rights cannot be infringed upon under any circumstances what so ever.
The Individual Rights cannot be suspended for any reason ever.
The Individual Rights cannot be violated or restricted in any way for any reason in any fashion, period.
The Individual Rights are absolute forever.
The Individual Rights are inalienable in every sense of the word and no business, contract or any other entity can ever violate them or seek to dilute them through contracts, deception or coercion.
The Individual Rights can never be refused or given up even voluntarily; no person has the right to wave their own individual rights as they are part of the very composition and existence of a conscious mind.
The Individual Rights are never and can never be considered semi-absolute or semi inalienable.
The Individual Rights and the rational human are sovereign over each other and absolutely inseparable.
The Individual Rights are the individual rights of every single human being regardless of gender, sexual orientation or color of skin.

Any person who does not agree with this is a person who has forfeited their right to exist as they have rejected the rights of others.

If you agree with the above you are here by recognized as an Illuminati in the 1st °

On the behalf of the Illuminati Order and the Unseen Head I say,


[Please print publish and distribute this document to everyone in your country]

A Change is as good as a rest

There is only three people I truely trust right now and they have helped during an important cross roads in my life.

My attitude to the first one has been disgraceful, I owe her a huge apology for mis-representing her and I am grateful for her understanding in my difficult time. She didn't have to forgive me and she certainly did not have to reply to me but she did and that makes her the most special woman in Neurocam. Thank You Gertrude you are a star.

I should have listened to you Gigsy.

Did I say that ^^^^^^^^^^^^ shit my reputation has gone down the toilet now.

The second one I can't tell you about, he knows who he is, I know who he is, he knows that I know that he knows who he is and thats all the matters. Thanks Master I owe you one.

The last one people are not even supposed to talk too however my loyalty will remain to a great friend even if our working relationship with Neurocam is over. Cheers dude see you on Toxic.

I have deleted certain upsetting articles, it amazes me that some of you take things that I post so seriously when they are obvious to most that the articles in question are extreme fabrications and total fiction but I have removed them none the less.

I will be vigilant in my approach to the manner in which I post that takes relevence too Neurocam International.

However this is MY BLOG, you read it because you CHOOSE to read it and not because I FORCE you to read it. If in future I post an article that is offensive in nature but relevent towards my Agencies Investigations and Course of Business then I have to warn you that you should be extra vigilant in what you read. In other words Tuff Shit. I will not refrain from discussing my owm affairs on my own blog just because you don't like it. If anyone wishes to discuss this further then I am always happy to do so via email.

Thank you for listening

Operative Intel Agent
Neurocam International

Friday, June 10, 2005

Otti Votavova

Yet another of Neurocam's Management has taken her name from a figure from the past. I have noticed that there are two divisions within the Neurocam Management Structure. There are those like Gertrude Zelle and Maxwell Knight who take their names from history purtaining to espoinage. Then there are those like Robert Henley and Otti Votavova who take their mythical names from associations purtaining to Crowley, the occult, OTO and Magick.

So heres a little info on our Otti, which I had stumbled across in my archives and never mad a connection too till tonight.

Otti Votavova avers that Hitler belonged to the legendary "FOCG" or "99 Lodge" of black magick, described in Frabato The Magician and Fire And Ice (see the bibliography). Apart from this, Hitler and some of his intimate friends were supposed to be members of the "Thule Order," which was the external instrument of a group of powerful Tibetan black magicians.

Franz Bardon was the oldest of 13 children, and the only son of a very devout Christian mystic, Viktor Bardon. Although he had achieved a certain amount of spiritual advancement, Viktor felt that he was unable to obtain and advanced initiation, and prayed that he receive this blessing. The story is that an advanced soul entered the body of his son Franz to become Viktor's initiator.
In later life, Bardon became a stage magician who gained some fame in Germany in the 1920's and 1930's under the stage name "Frabato". According to his student and close friend Otti Votavova. I have not yet been able to positively identify Bardon as a member of the Fraternity of Saturn. While recognizing the power and validity of sex magick, Bardon emphatically discourages the student from dabbling in it until he understands its full implications.

By the way Otti Votavova is a female and I wonder if our Neurocam equivelent is female too?

Bardon made use of the ancient four elements - Fire, Earth, Air and Water - plus Akasha, or Quintessence. His attributions of the elements are essentially the same as those in other systems and books.: Water for emotions, intuition; Fire for aggressiveness, passion, etc. In his view, the skillful magician was one who could manipulate the Elements to achieve desired effects. Of course, before the student could become master of the Elements, he had to harmonize and control the manifestations of all Elements in his own being.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

UFO Conspiracy of the New World Order

Another conspiracy that Intel Investigations are currently conducting is the cover up of UFO Landings and An Alien Race roaming the Earth.

One third of the population are from mars!!!!!

Think about it......

It takes humans thousands of years too learn technology and build a simple internal combustion engine. Then only 50 more years to fly to deep space. (the accuracy of these figures are questionable)

The aliens have landed and are taking over are world................The illuminati are calling it technology, Here is video evidence from the Mexican Air Force

The Mexicans make the best chilli in the world so they must be right.

Government Cover-Up

"The infrastructure needed to maintain and expand the level of secrecy which can deceive presidents and CIA Directors and senior congressional leaders and European Prime Ministers and the like is substantial - and illegal. Let me be clear, the entity which controls the UFO matter and its related technologies has more power than any single government in the world or any single identified world leader. The current state-of-the-art in secrecy is a hybrid, quasi-government, quasi privatized operation which is international - and functions outside of the purview of any single agency or any single government. ?The Government' - as you and I and Thomas Jefferson may think of it - is really quite outside the loop. Rather, a select, tightly controlled and compartmentalized ?black' or unacknowledged project controls these matters. Access is by inclusion alone and if you are not included, it does not matter if you are CIA Director, President, Chairman of Senate Foreign Relations or UN Secretary General, you simply will not know about or have access to these projects." Dr. Steven M. Greer, Understanding UFO Secrecy

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Illuminati Mind Control Programme

I believe that Neurocam heads the illuminati Mind Control Programme. Who better qualified than them, a secret organization, so secret in fact that not one of the intelligence services the world over can be bothered with them. What a coincedence.

We all know there are divisions sprouting from the Nautonier down, and we know that you all work for one division at least and that is the one known as Neurocam. Neurocam have been accused of being Mind Control, and I do not see many of you having a problem with knowing this fact and operating under this fact. I certainly don't, but then I wouldn't would I.

If Neurocam were the technical organization for the New World Order then there secrecy would be valid and there usage as a company would give them credibilty within the world of Magick, Satanism and OTO, why else would I fly the flag for them.

Some of you are missing the biggest point of your careers within Neurocam.

There are 13 satanic bloodlines, bloodlines that can be traced back to Cain. Bloodlines that have been kept pure through the ages by inter-marrying among the bloodlines. But seldom do people know who heads these families and who the surnames and members are. But did it ever occur to us that the history and major events of more than 1000 years was being orchestrated and directed by an ultra secret organisation in the West dedicated to bringing Satan's rule on earth? If that were the case, it is very likely that we would be kept in ignorance of its existence. It would be unlikely for that organisation to come forward and claim its true mission.

Illuminati employs highly tuned and extremely sophisticated Mind Control (MC) training programs that begin the programming process while the intended victim is still within the womb. Mind Control is a much greater problem than most people realize. According to Cisco Wheeler, a former Illuminati mind control programmer, there are 10 million people who have been programmed as mind controlled slaves using trauma-based MC programs with names like Monarch and MK Ultra.

The Dean of Britain informs me that the Darkness is the sanctuary for all human souls, we shall prosper in the darkness and though evil lives there, we shall not be seen.

The sheer magnitude and complex web of deceit surrounding the individuals and organizations involved in this conspiracy is mind boggling, even for the most astute among us. Most people react with disbelief and skepticism towards the topic, unaware that they have been conditioned (brainwashed) to react with skepticism by institutional and media influences that were created by the Mother of All mind control organizations: The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London.

"A One World Government and one-unit monetary system, under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self-select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages. In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population.

There will be no middle class, only rulers and the servants. All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist. The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simple be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them. Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited."

This is what you are working towards. You will truely be the children of Satan.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Paul Johnson - Previous Director of Neurocam International

You will remember back along my article that uncovered the address and other information on Key figures registered to Neurocam International (viewed here) and of course some of that information was old news.

In that article there was a passage about Previous Directorships held within Neurocam and it named a man called Paul Johnson.

Paul JOHNSON, 30 Renata Crescent, Te Atatu, Auckland (we are also compiling a list of previous directorships this man has held)

William Henry HAWKEN, 67 Crescent Rd, Ostend, Waiheke Island shareholder Neurocam International

Well we have been busy locating and compiling a list of previous directorships that this man has held before and are pleased with the result.

We will be looking into these companies and their Nature of Business to try and link and offer suggestions as to the true nature of what Neurocam may actually do as an organization itself. Of course just because one company may do something can only mean speculation for another but from experience, Company Directors usually stay within similar companies who’s Nature of Business are the same.

Paul Johnson also Paul Lionel Johnson

Companies Identified

Side Note: Where possible we have cross-referenced the name Paul Johnson with another link to try and confirm it is the same Paul Johnson of Neurocam International. It is interesting to see the name, William Henry Hawken, who is registered Share Holder of Neurocam International come up with Paul and also the name Krishna Pillay

Whanakawa Holdings Ltd
CO No 340667 Incorp Date 3 April 2004
1200 Tapuaeroa Rd RD 3 Ruatoria
Current Director Paul Johnson same address
Not confirmed our Paul

STRATA Group International Ltd
CO No 949639 Incorp Date 22 March 1999
Unit M 150 Harris Road Auckland
Curent Director
Paul Johnson
17 Gardone Place
Papakura South Auckland
previous address in files
143 McGregor Road
Clevedon Auckland
Not confirmed our Paul

Kessco Holdings Ltd
Co No 976641
Main North Road RD Kaiapoi Christchurch
71 Jeff's Drain Road Ohoka Chch
PO Box 27102 Shirley Chch
Paul Johnson 10 Bunting Place Woodend
Not confirmed our Paul

The graphics Lab Ltd
Co No 1351110 Incorp 21 July 2003
1 Kernode Street Ashburton
Paul Johnson
29 Charles Street Ashburton ( is previous address registered office)
Not confirmed our Paul

JD Improvements Ltd
CO No 1368878 Incorp 8 Auhgust 2003
90 Karaka Rd Beachlands Auckland
Paul Johnson at same address
Not confirmed our Paul

SCR Holding (1998) Ltd
Co Nr 900127 Inc 24 March 1998
1/11 Beach Road Auckland City
PO Box 127 Auckland City
100% owned by William Henrey Hawken, 136a Mnt Wellington Highway Panmure Auckland
Director Paul Johnson 1/11 Beach Road
Very Likely to be the same Paul Johnson

SCR Holdings Ltd
CO No 1042906 Inc 15 June 2000
1 Maidstone Street Grey Lynn Auckland
PO Box 127 Auckland City
Paul Johnson 11 Beach Road Auckland director
100% shareholder William Henry Hawken
Very Likely to be the same Paul Johnson

Haruru Falls Resort Ltd
Co No 1201042 Inc 30 April 2002
1 Maidstone Street Grey Lynn Auckland
PO Box 127 Auckland
Paul Johnson L2 90 Symonds Street Auckland
100% Shareholder SCR Holdings --> William Henry Hawken
Very Likely to be the same Paul Johnson

Btw PO Box 127 appears to be registered to Robert John Warburton, Soillicitor /Barister

36174 Investments Ltd
Co No 1587909 Inc 13 December 2004
1/64 Gladstone Road Auckland
PO Box 302868 Auckland Bryce Kelsall
Paul Johnson
1/64 Galdstone Road
Not confirmed our Paul

Ad A Cab NZ Ltd
Co No 1619779 Inc 5 April 2005
30 Renata Crescent Te Atatu Auckland
PJ 100% shareholder
Very likely to be our Paul, also linked via Krishna Pillay

Xtreme Clean International Ltd
CO No 1569369 Inc 21 October 2004
3/ 64 Gladstone Road Auckland
Paul Johnson director > 1 February 2005
100% owned by the Hackell guy
Involvement in submissions by Krishna Pillay
Very likely to be our Paul

We will be looking into the affairs of William Henry HAWKEN, 67 Crescent Rd, Ostend, Waiheke Island next and will post our findings anon

All this information is Public knowledge, which means it, can be gleaned from databases that the general public has access too. I hope Neurocam do not have a problem with this post after all it is public knowledge.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

New Assignment

Well, I am pleased to say that thus far Neurocam have retained my services. Although it can still change if SO Paris concludes that I am at fault. I am sure this news will make certain other Beltaine Haters foam at the mouth and positively run to their schools IT room and compose a report during Lunch Break at how I should have been assed sooner. Never mind kiddo's what you failed to grasp is the section that stated "Continue to Encourage Titan". I am not in that catagory.

So this morning I received NEUROCAM ASSIGNMENT - NCI - ****/01 - Dead Drop Reconnaissance.

Its a mission that involves similar escapades detailed in a previous article titled Dead Letter Box although Neurocam have a different word to describe this procedure.

I am looking forward to the assignment and I am sure it will be my chance to redeem myself and show them exactly what I am capable of. It will take me back to my Army days, I am so excited. Maybe when its complete I may get to go back and retrieve something even more exciting than this assignment.