Monday, December 22, 2008

A Cock thats dangerous

The Cockatrice can cause death with a single glance. Report indicate that anything catching sight of the lethal bird's eyes is turned instantly to stone. But just as deadly is their poisonous saliva, which can fell even an elephant.Also known as a Basilisk, a Cockatrice has the head and feet of a cockerel and the tail of a serpent. The Cockatrice is believed to be the product of a seven-year-old cockerel's egg, laid during a full moon and then hatched for nine years by a serpent or toad.There are a few ways to protect oneself from a Cockatrice. One is to carry something reflective - like a mirror - and turn the creature's gaze back on it. Another is to keep either a weasel or a cockerel nearby. The weasel is said to be the mortal enemy of the Cockatrice, while the crowing of the cockerel is even more effective as it causes the Cockatrice to have fatal fits and ultimately thrash itself to death.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Gordon Browns a Cunt!

I just heard this fat bastard say on the BBC News at 10pm that his "Optimism" is going to get us all through this difficult period. I guess he means the reccession....
Well actually his Bank Balance will get HIM through this period and his optimism has fuck all to do with getting me anywhere.
In fact, only my hard work will get me and my family through this period and Gordon Brown's optimism features nowhere
So fuck off Brown and say something thats meaningfull for a change

Monday, December 15, 2008


The word of the Law is THELEMA. Who calls us Thelemites will do no wrong, if he look but close into the word. For there are therein Three Grades, the Hermit, and the Lover, and the man of Earth. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Liber AL vel Legis I:39 I:40 Love is the law, love under will.


Friday, December 12, 2008

Have you sold your soul to a demon?

Legend has it that when its time for your soul to be taken, your flesh gets ripped into agonising ribbons and your soul gets carried to hell in the mouth of a Hell Hound.

Just a small price to pay for the benefits of demon ritual

Bring it on!

Barghest, Galleytrot, Hell Hound, Padfoot, Shuck, Snarleyow, Striker, Trash, Wish or Whist Hound, Yell or Yelp Hound – to name a few. They have many aims: prophecy, revenge, bloodlust, the hunt or merely a warning; but they are always dark and dangerous, and always to be taken very seriously.
Black Arts magicians can summon the help of a hell hound if they so wish. They can only be set upon followers of the Light or do the bidding of a 7th Level Demon
Happy Hell Raising
More to follow..................................

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Black Magick Rites of Renato Polselli

If you want to learn how to combine elements of Ritual Sacrifice with Sex Magic then Simply follow the instructional video below.


Black Magic Rites - For more amazing video clips, click here

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Important Crossroad

Students in America face an important crossroads in life......

and in other news;

Senior officials of the LightandLife Gospel Band in Helston bury the founder today....

Saturday, November 29, 2008

God v Satan in Cornwall

I went to the Christmas Lights switch on in Helston last night and was greated by GOD. The gospel singers of were belting out words of encouragement to make us Dark Arts Magicians carve out our innards and stuff them into our ears. How else do you drown out the name Jesus?
As I listened to there words I felt the dire need to kneel on the floor and pray to Odin to send in the might of Satan's deamons and drag the souls of the Gospel kicking and screaming into the depths of hell for tortures unimaginable.

That got me into the christmas spirit good and proper.

There is more to life than money, beer and sex. Deep down we know there is an unseen spiritual reality. Something beyond us that we hope will one day satisfy our deepest longings, and liberate us from our strongest fears.

We search for this elusive dream in a 1001 places but often the last place we look is in the Church. For most people Church is boring and irrelevant – ironically all the things its founder, Jesus Christ, never was.

The Bible teaches that God in Christ offers us real life, life as it was meant to be, life full of joy, meaning, peace and freedom. This life is available to all as free gift. The gift is eternal life through Jesus Christ. This is not so much about a quantity of life but a quality of life. It is life with a three dimensional quality

Life with God and especially Jesus Christ is a Drag. No Sex, No Drugs, No Alcohol, and most importantly NO Sex Magick......................

A curse is whats needed to rid this love and light from the earth good and proper, bring back anarchy, debauchery, sex and slaughter

To you, Light and Life of cornwall I say..................

"The darkness is a mirror of the depths of the soul. All that is hidden inside us, our desires and our fears, is projected on the darkness."

Odin is a dark and demonic god and the Odinic runosophy also includes lycantropy and necromancy. The Odinic Runosophy is a form of Gothic magic. The Gothic magic is not only Runosophy and rune magic which focuses on the old Norse runic symbols. The Gothic magic is connected to the nightside and the dark mysteries. This separates the Gothic magic from the forms of rune magic that are connected to Asatro and the strife to recreate the old Norse faith. Gothic magic can not be connected to a certain time or place. The Gothic magic corresponds to a mythical dimension in which man becomes a god.

Praise be to Odin may he smote your Jesus down, may he tear the soul of your God and consume his heart in the fires of hell

Monday, November 24, 2008


The Rambo Granny of Melbourne, Australia

Gun-toting granny Ava Estelle, 81, was so ticked-off when two thugs raped her 18-year-old granddaughter that she tracked the unsuspecting ex-cons down - - and shot off their testicles. The old lady spent a week hunting these men down -- and when she found them, she took revenge on them in her own special way, said Melbourne police investigator Evan Delp. Then she took a taxi to the nearest police station, laid the gun on the sergeant's desk and told him as calm as could be:

'Those bastards will never rape anybody again, by God.'

Cops say convicted rapist and robber Davis Furth, 33, lost both his penis and his testicles when outraged Ava opened fire with a 9-mm pistol in the hotel room where he and former prison cell mate Stanley Thomas, 29, were holed up.
The wrinkled avenger also blew Thomas' testicles to kingdom come, but doctors managed to save his mangled penis, police said. The one guy, Thomas, didn't lose his manhood, but the doctor I talked to said he won't be using it the way he used to, Detective Delp told reporters. Both men are still in pretty bad shape, but I think they're just happy to be alive after what they've been through.

The Rambo Granny swung into action August 21 after her granddaughter Debbie was carjacked and raped in broad daylight by two knife-wielding creeps in a section of town bordering on skid row. 'When I saw the look on my Debbie's face that night in the hospital, I decided I was going to go out and get those bastards myself 'cause I figured the Law would go easy on them,' recalled the retired library worker. 'And I wasn't scared of them, either-- because I've got me a gun and I've been shooting' all my life. And I wasn't dumb enough to turn it in when the law changed about owning one'

So, using a police artist's sketch of the suspects and Debbie's description of the sickos', tough-as-nails, Ava spent seven days prowling the wino-infested neighbourhood where the crime took place till she spotted the ill fated rapists entering their flophouse hotel.

I knew it was them the minute I saw 'em, but I shot a picture of 'em anyway and took it back to Debbie and she said sure as hell, it was them, the oldster recalled. So I went back to that hotel and found their room and knocked on the door and the minute the big one, opened the door, I shot 'em right square between the legs, right where it would really hurt 'em most, you know.

Then I went in and shot the other one as he backed up pleading to me to spare him. Then I went down to the police station and turned myself in.

Now, baffled lawmen are trying to figure out exactly how to deal with the vigilante granny. What she did was wrong, and she broke the law, but it is difficult to throw an 81-year-old woman in prison, Det. Delp said, especially when 3 million people in the city want to nominate her for Mayor.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

All Magick Is Sex Magick

One of the disappointments many people have — especially after watching shows like Buffy and Charmed or seeing numerous horror films — is that simply saying some words out of a book doesn’t work magick. I remember one movie where some kids inaccurately mumbled words from a book and the ground opened and demons came forth! If magick really did work that way every book on magick would be locked away and there would still be magick going on everywhere. Any books on magick you could find would sell for tens of thousands of dollars. And yet some books seem to imply that just saying a few arcane words is all it takes to do magick. Obviously, something must be missing.

Actually, there are two things missing. The first is a change of consciousness. Pagans will frequently focus on the Goddess when doing even simple rituals, or they may concentrate on the unique properties of an herb or mineral. Ceremonial magicians usually do some sort of ritual such as a banishing before doing any practical or spiritual magick. For many people, just thinking about the ritual or spell they are doing puts them into a magickal mindset that will allow the non-physical aspects of magick to be established.

In most cases, however, just an altered state of consciousness isn’t enough for magick to work. You need something else — energy.

The Magick of Energy

Many books on magick discuss the need to generate and direct energy. The meaning of “energy” is often left undefined, and one of the things non-magickal people often ask me is, “what do you mean by energy?” I mean the same thing that any physicist means: energy is the ability to do work. There are two broad categories of energy, potential (stored) energy and kinetic (active) energy. For magick to work, every ritual or spell needs an influx of magickal energy. Without the change in consciousness and influx of energy, magick is unsuccessful and is nothing more than recitation of words and waving of wands.

As well as discussing the need to generate and direct energy, numerous books on magick talk about ways to raise the energy. You can spin in a circle until you get dizzy, dance, do deep breathing or perform visualizations. Some even mention that you can raise energy with sex. Few authors get into the technicalities of raising and directing energy using any of these means.

When I use the term “sex,” I am including far more than physically intimate acts. When you first look into the eyes of another person and feel “like your heart has skipped a beat,” that’s sex. The flirting that goes on between people is sex, even if it doesn’t lead to physical passion. Sex is not just about physical activity. It is the exchange of energy between two entities. Sex magick uses this energy to obtain desires.

Sex energy can be raised by just thinking about another person or entity. It can be raised by watching or thinking about others or yourself having sex. In other words, the energy of sexuality isn’t just from the body, it’s created and directed by the mind. Sex energy is powerful, too. Right now, like an enormous battery, the sex energy is stored within you just waiting to be used. Sex magick allows you to increase the power of your inner battery and safely direct the energy, like the massive charge of a Tesla coil, in order to achieve your magickal goals.

Charging Your Magick

Obviously, I can’t describe a full ritual that uses sex here. But remember, sex magick is not just about the physical act of sex. Here is a simple experiment you can try that will show you what using sex magick is like.

Our Eastern compatriots have shown that by using breathwork and visualization of energy, we can increase and direct the energy in ways that are very similar to physical sexual activity. The energy is the same; the way it is generated is simply different.

The next time you are going

to do some magick, try adding this technique:

1. Sit in a comfortable position. If you’re in a chair, your feet should be flat on the floor and your legs should not be crossed. Your spine should be straight. If you prefer, you may stand with your back straight, your hands by your side, your knees not locked, and your feet about shoulder width apart.

2. Spend a few minutes doing deep breathing. With each inhalation, visualize energy coming in through your nose and going down your body to your stomach. Use any visualization you like. For example, you might see the energy as a vibrant gold, blue, silver or white. It might be seen as streams, fibers or as a sphere.

3. On exhalation, visualize the energy rising up your spine, going over the top of your head, and out your nose and mouth.

4. With each breath, feel the energy cycle through you. It should get stronger and stronger with each inhalation and exhalation.

5. Finally, when you think it can’t get any stronger, hold your arms straight out in the direction of the magick (either where you want it to go or toward an object such as a talisman) and with the next exhalation feel all of that sex

magick energy flowing down

your arms and out your palms

in a torrent.

6. To prevent the energy from

flowing back into you, clap

your hands and do your favorite banishing.

I think that if you add this small technique to your rituals and spells, you’ll find that your magick will work faster and with greater power and success than ever before.


You’ve probably heard that “sex sells.” But the sad truth is only sex that titillates and teases sells. Books with greater truths about sexuality and spirituality may only appeal to those who are willing to look past the licentious uses of sex and who are ready to challenge their own preconceptions. Few people really discuss sexuality openly and honestly, and many who will discuss it simply don’t have the knowledge to present information accurately or the objectivity to present the facts fairly. Llewellyn has several books available with honest and powerful information on how to raise or generate this energy, enhance it and direct it toward your magickal goals.

I couldn’t talk about this without mentioning my own Modern Magick. Although it covers far more subjects and gives a broad introduction to magick, it also has a lesson dedicated to traditional sexual magick, revealing far more about the mechanics of sex magick than you’ll find in some other books. I would recommend this to beginners and intermediates in magick who want to know more.

Next is a wonderful book by Frater U.D. called Secrets of Western Sex Magic. In it you’ll learn how sex magic is a tremendously potent way to direct consciously controlled sexual energy in order to obtain material and personal goals. Filled with exercises and techniques any adult can use, this book is a must if you are at all interested in sex magic.

I also recommend Ecstasy Through Tantra by Dr. Mumford. This is a greatly expanded version of his earlier (and now rare, expensive and out-of-print) book, Sexual Occultism. For those with some knowledge or interest in Tantra, this is the only book I know of that truly bridges the Eastern and Western traditions of spiritualized sexuality, including Western sex magick.

And finally, there is Modern Sex Magick by me. In it you’ll find the traditions of Kabalistic sex magick and how it can help you achieve your magickal desires. The focus in this book is on the flow of the energy and can be used by yourself or with partner(s). It begins with the history of sex magick and explains the theorems of magick and sex magick. Then you learn explicit techniques you can use, including the forbidden sex magicks of the Outsider.

By Donald Michael Kraig

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


It has come to my attention today from a good friend of mine that the killers of BABY P have been exposed and there details are available for all to hound.
The message is as follows:

The papers may be banned from naming and shaming the cruel vile killers of BABY P, but I ain't.

They r


JASON OWEN is the Paedophile living with them.

I urge everyone to pass this on so everybody can name and shame them. Also pls sign the Sun Paper Petition to have justice for that poor little boy. Rest in peace little man. Thanks


That is the message sweeping the country via text


Three people charged in connection with the murder of an infant have been committed for trial at the Old Bailey.

Tracey Connolly, 25, of Penshurst Road, Tottenham, north London, was charged with the murder of her 17-month-old son, Peter, and with allowing and causing the death of a child under 16. Her partner Steven Barker, 31, also of Penhurst Road, Tottenham, was also charged with murder and allowing and causing the death of a child under 16.

Barker's brother Jason Owen, 35, of Wittersham Road, Bromley, was charged with allowing and causing the death of a child under 16.Ex-of: Jason Owen, address 2 Wittersham Road, Bromley, BR1 4RH.

Tracey Connolly Penhurst Road, Tottenham, N17Steven Barker Penhurst Road, Tottenham, N17, previously of Armadale Close, Tottenham, N17 9PL.

All three were remanded in custody at Highgate Magistrates' Court in north London to appear at the Old Bailey on November 23.

Peter was pronounced dead at North Middlesex Hospital, north London, on August 3, 2007.

A post-mortem examination carried out at Great Ormond Street Hospital proved inconclusive and further tests are being carried out.

Detectives were called to the hospital after concerns were raised by staff, a Metropolitan Police spokesman said.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My Daughter the Blogger

Oh fuck shit piss

My Daughters now online

Watch out fuckerssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Friday, November 07, 2008


What a title eh!

It seems there a some really weird fruit loops roaming america preaching shit about God and Homo's being damned to hell

Well so fucking what.

If its true and god hates fags, then....... Homo's will go to hell fair enough it there choice but why jump up and down and make a scene about it, its there life, if they want to be gay and go to hell thats up to them

I just dont understand why people have to jump up and down bleating on about God trying to ram it down peoples throats when its about choice anyway.

These God bleaters are going to heaven, they are blessed to be angels so why do they rant and rave so, i'll tell you why

Cause God dont exist, Gods fuck all, they know it, we know it and they are shit scared about it so they need to believe that there rants and raves are going to convince themselves and the rest of the world that god loves them

get a fucking life before its all over and you die and realise you've wasted all your life ranting about a figment of yor insane imagination


He's the only god you need


Friday, September 05, 2008

Fiat NOX

May those who curse days curse that day, those who are ready to rouse Leviathan. (Job 3:8)

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Vampire Dogs

TWO US sheriffs have captured footage which appears to show the mythical Chupacabra – a ‘Vampire Dog’ that feasts on the blood of goats.

The cops chased and filmed the beast after catching a glimpse of its strange elongated nose and fangs – unlike any coyote or dog they had seen before.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Neo-Pagans and the Pentagram

Above how most Neo-Pagans see the Pentagram

The ancient connection with the Goddess of love Venus and the planet can be seen in ancient art. Which has also has been called by Christianity the morning star. In Revelations, Jesus referred to himself as the bright and morning star. And later the star also became the false light of Lucifer (the light bearer). It was seen very differently in the ancient Pagan Greek and Roman beliefs.

The pattern that Venus moves in the sky in conjunctions with the Sun forms a Pentagram which has probably motivated much of what is believed in the ancient world about the five pointed star.

Above you can see that the movements of Venus draw out the Pentagram in the sky.

political leaders have used the Pentagram as a symbol of power.

Yellow Opens 15th September 2008

So there!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Neurocam Breathes Life

Welcome to Neurocam X04

Whatever you've heard about Neurocam is irrelevant.
Whatever you've experienced is unimportant.
We're taking what we've learned from the project and bringing it to the next level.
The next level is all about risk, trust and commitment; how far you're willing to go in order to truly experience something new and interesting.

The way it works is simple. You give us a detailed description of everything relevant that makes up your day-to-day life experience.
If we think we can work with you, we will then set you tasks to perform. These tasks will be difficult and challenging; perhaps the most challenging things
you've ever done in your life. But they will show you things, important, life-changing things. They will make your life more interesting.

Right now you're probably thinking this is completely crazy. But you know that there's only one way to find out for sure.


1. We are currently experiencing a disproportionate number of applications from 16 - 32 year old males. If you are a male between 16 and 32 years of age
please do not apply.

2. You must be at least 18 years old to apply.

3. Proof of age and gender will be required.

4. The nature of X04 is such that any attempt to provide spurious information will result in an unrewarding experience.

"Some of the most rewarding experiences we have come about through
random circumstances of which we have no real understanding.
It is sometimes important to commit to something we know very little about
if the act of commitment in itself becomes part of an experience."

Rob Hely
Project Director 1999 - present

phase 01: initial contact


protocol X04 initiated 10/07/08

Some say it changes daily others say it stays the same. Either way its living in the very veins of those browsing the www

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Cheshire Cat

Originally uploaded by beltaine430

Which one is you Mr Cat

Which one is Hamish

oh and which ones your brother

Edit: 23rd The Cat could be the Cormick

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Neurocam is Back Beltaine is Back

Well now where do I start?

I see your all still watching, my websats confirm this. I have been sleeping, resting my magickal nuts for the big Neurocam X04. My gentle slumber has been disturbed by the immergence of a wolly woofter, Eric Wouters

Yellow Door 1

His waft of anal odur through the proverbial corridors of a Neurodream is enough to wake even the hardest tramp loving Magi

Neurocam is back

and so am I

Monday, March 03, 2008

Information Regarding FOH

Dear Readers,

I have been hearing reports about activity of the infamous Satanic Group called FOH, Friends of Hekate, being active in the Cornish Area.

I am actively seeking information of any description on the subject of Friends of Hekate FOH group. Members, Former Members, Informers, Pagans and anyone else who has information about this group can contact me in the strictest of confidence at the following address.

Do not be afraid, your details will remain private and confidential and you can even remain anonymous.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Neurocam International dead or undead....

Maybe it is the vampyre that Chris Titan seeks so badly

It has a new logo on its website though and i've cloned it for my Neuroboards profile...

I love to wind up Henley as much as I can

Neurocam International

One Month On

It has been exactly one month since my last post, I have spent several weeks living with the homeless of London in Kings Cross with some of the most fun loving characters that I have ever met. I have conversed with junkies, alcoholics and beggars, I have eaten from soup kitchens and washed in streams just to catch a troll.

All i've caught is a cold.

I am now back in my warm offices and normal services shall be resumed.

Many thanks to all the energy sent to me by you kind folks over the last 30 or so nights, I have felt the benefits no end.

Keep up the hard work guys, welcome to all the new Agents of T.I.T.A.N that have been initiated while I have been away.

Card of the Week: Joker