Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Neurocam International dead or undead....

Maybe it is the vampyre that Chris Titan seeks so badly

It has a new logo on its website though and i've cloned it for my Neuroboards profile...

I love to wind up Henley as much as I can

Neurocam International

One Month On

It has been exactly one month since my last post, I have spent several weeks living with the homeless of London in Kings Cross with some of the most fun loving characters that I have ever met. I have conversed with junkies, alcoholics and beggars, I have eaten from soup kitchens and washed in streams just to catch a troll.

All i've caught is a cold.

I am now back in my warm offices and normal services shall be resumed.

Many thanks to all the energy sent to me by you kind folks over the last 30 or so nights, I have felt the benefits no end.

Keep up the hard work guys, welcome to all the new Agents of T.I.T.A.N that have been initiated while I have been away.

Card of the Week: Joker