Monday, October 17, 2005

When you talk, GOD listens.

Gothic Satanism - Overview:

Gothic Satanism was invented by the Roman Catholic Church in the 15th century CE, just prior to the time of the Witch burnings. The belief offered the neatest solution to the dilemma of theodicy -- the theological conflict caused by the presence of evil in the universe that was created by an all-loving, moral God. The Church theorized that Satan worship existed, was widespread, and was a massive threat to the established order. These beliefs gave the legal and moral justification for the Witch burnings (sometimes called the burning times or the female holocaust).

Many Christians today (particularly from the conservative wing of Protestantism) still believe that Satanism exists. However, it is an imaginary religion that either does not exist in reality, or is extremely rarely practiced. Law enforcement organizations have been searching for some scrap of evidence of its existence since the "Satanic Panics" of the early 1980s, without success.

Gothic Satanism - Origins:

Two Dominican priests, Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger wrote a book circa 1486 CE called: The Malleus Maleficarum (The Witches' Hammer). It became the main reference text for the genocide. They wrote that Gothic Satanists:

Are mostly women because that gender is more impressionable, more perfidious, more carnal, more vengeful, and (intellectually) more like children than are men. God, being male, has mostly preserved men from heresy;

Kill, bewitch and induce plagues in animals;

Stop cows from giving milk;

Cause impotence, sterility, abortions and miscarriages;

Ride at night on broomsticks to meet in the forest to engage in sexual orgies;

Drink the blood of unbaptized infants. Devour infants' bodies, or convert them into soup, or bake them in an oven, or convert their bones into ritual instruments;

Offer their own children to demons;

Kill or place curses on people by simply looking at them, saying a phrase, causing lightning to strike them, blowing in their face, pushing pins into a wax doll made in the image of the victim, etc.;

Beat, break, stab or step on a crucifix whenever they can.

A second reference text was Francesco Maria Guazzo's Compendium Maleficarum, which was written about 1620 CE. He described how Satan worshipers:

Ride through the air on the back of a goat or a staff;

Anoint themselves with magical oil and fly on their own;

Anoint themselves with a cream or make a certain sign, and immediately become invisible;

Appear to change shape from human to animal and back;

Change people and animals from male to female and back;

Swear homage and obedience to Satan

Received a Satanic brand on their bodies;

Rejoice, dance, eat and drink in the presence of Satan who appeared at Satanic orgies in the form of a hideous and deformed black goat;

Suffocated, pierced and killed their own infants, cut off their extremities, and cooked the remains.

The inquisitors tortured suspects until they were willing to confess to anything in order to end the pain. This produced abundant testimony for the court records as "evidence" of the existence of Satan worshipers. However, it is essentially all worthless.

A very small number of individuals have drawn on the vast amount of anti-Satanic literature written by Christian authors. They have created their own version of Gothic Satanism that does include an inverted Christian cross symbol, black masses, reciting Christian prayers backwards, etc. However, they seem to be isolated followers without any central organization. They do not engage in infant abuse, baby killing or any other criminal activities. Theirs is a religion that was inspired by and grew out of Christian hate literature.

Religious Tolerance

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Chutry Experiment

April 12, 2005

Airborne Toxic Events

So, there's a chemical leak in Georgia Tech's Biomechanical Engineering Building. Every news chopper in the city of Atlanta is hovering overhead. There is no word yet on what the chemical is or its effects. Should I be Worried?

Update: Tech's "toxic event" appears to have ended--there are no more helicopters at least. Fortunately no students required hospital treatment, and the chemical itself turned out not to be hazardous. I think what fascinated me about the whole (non)event was the presence of the helicopters (at least three or four of them) hovering overhead, waiting for the story to break.

Monday, October 03, 2005

A Charitable Scam or A Charitable Man?

If you flick through my archives you will find an article about the Nigerian Money Laundering Scams.

I recieved this in my inbox this afternoon. Is this a similar scam? Or is it a very charitable man?

My thoughts hint the former rather than the latter, see what you think.

From: "Josh Tinman" <>
Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 11:37 AM
Subject: Re:Joshua Tinman

Good day My Beloved One

As you read this, I don't want you to feel sorry forme, because, I believe everyone will die someday.

My name is JOSHUA TINMAN, a British Christianmerchant in Caribbean IslandI have been diagnosed with esophageal cancer, which wasdiscovered very late, due to my laxity in carrying formy health. It has defiled all forms of medicine, andright now I have only about a few months to live,according to medical experts.I have since lost my power of speech and can onlymanage to write now; as that has been the only way Iam able to communicate.

I have not particularly lived my life so well, as Inever really cared for anyone not even myself but mybusiness.Though I am very rich, I was never generous,I was always hostile to people and only focus on mybusiness as that is the only thing I cared for. Butnow I regret all this as I now know that there is moreto life than just wanting to have or make all themoney in the world.I believe when God gives me a second chance to come tothis world I would live my life a different way fromhow I have lived it. Now that I know my time is near,I have willed and given most of my properties andassets to my immediate and extended family members andas well as a few close friends.I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul andso, I have decided to give alms to charityOrganizations, as I want this to be one of the lastgood deeds I do on earth.

So far, I have distributed money to some charity organizationsin the Caribbean Island, London and Ireland. Now that my health hasdeteriorated so badly, I cannot do this my self anymore. I once asked members of my family to close oneof my accounts and donate the money, which I have thereto charity organization in Bulgaria, they refused andkept the money to themselves. Hence, I do not trustthem anymore, as they seem not to be contended withwhat I have left for them.

The last of my money which only few of them knows ofis the huge cash deposit that I have with a securityfirm. I will want you to help me collect this deposit anddispatched it to charity organizations.

Please if you are willing to help me and save me from thisdilemma I am going through , do reply me on my email address( for more information which I will provide to

May the Almighty God be you and your family Amen.

Remain Blessed

Joshua Tinman