Welcome to Neurocam X04
Whatever you've heard about Neurocam is irrelevant.
Whatever you've experienced is unimportant.
We're taking what we've learned from the project and bringing it to the next level.
The next level is all about risk, trust and commitment; how far you're willing to go in order to truly experience something new and interesting.
The way it works is simple. You give us a detailed description of everything relevant that makes up your day-to-day life experience.
If we think we can work with you, we will then set you tasks to perform. These tasks will be difficult and challenging; perhaps the most challenging things
you've ever done in your life. But they will show you things, important, life-changing things. They will make your life more interesting.
Right now you're probably thinking this is completely crazy. But you know that there's only one way to find out for sure.
1. We are currently experiencing a disproportionate number of applications from 16 - 32 year old males. If you are a male between 16 and 32 years of age
please do not apply.
2. You must be at least 18 years old to apply.
3. Proof of age and gender will be required.
4. The nature of X04 is such that any attempt to provide spurious information will result in an unrewarding experience.
"Some of the most rewarding experiences we have come about through
random circumstances of which we have no real understanding.
It is sometimes important to commit to something we know very little about
if the act of commitment in itself becomes part of an experience."
Rob Hely
Project Director 1999 - present
phase 01: initial contact archivesprotocol X04 initiated 10/07/08
Some say it changes daily others say it stays the same. Either way its living in the very veins of those browsing the www