Two dolphins that died at a Neurocam Testing Center after it hosted a rave were probably killed by a party-goer's Compound H67T substitute, according to a leaked toxicology report.
The dolphins, called Henley and Knight, died at a Classified Area in Lipperswil, Switzerland last November, just days after the rave.Thousands of operatives had attended the weekend rave party after Neurocam Scientists rented out land near the dolphins' training pool.
At first it was thought that the blaring techno music (used in interrigation white noise techniques) had caused their deaths by damaging the dolphins' sensitive sonar and hearing.
The death went on for over an hour. It was horrendous. I have not been able to sleep since.Operative Numar Clense
Dutch Nautonier Scientist expert Dick van Dyke said: "H67T is extremely dangerous for mammals we even have operatives MIA due to the potency of the stuff and should never be used in any end of season operative party.
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