Thursday, May 17, 2012

Alien Abductee's in UK get help from Trevor

Have you ever had an experience that you can’t quite explain? Have you experienced missing time or awoken with unusual marks on your body that you can’t explain?
Do you think you might have been abducted and want someone to turn to who will treat you with the respect that you deserve who will be impartial; Non judgemental and willing to listen and to help you make sense of what you think has happened to you. Someone who will help you to come to terms with your experience.
I am a very open minded practitioner who has had an interest in the UFO phenomenon for over thirty years. I have read many books on the subject including the subject of alien abductions from authors such as Whitely Strieber, Edith Fiore P.H.D. Bud Hopkins , Mary Rodwell, Counsellor, Clinical hypnotherapist and Director of ACERN and many more.
Since January of this year I have been in regular contact with Mary Rodwell who is one of the world’s leading experts on the Alien abduction phenomenon. Mary Rodwell is the Director of ACERN which is the Australian Close Encounter Research Network which is based in Queensland, Australia. Mary is a highly respected professional in the world of hypnotherapy and who gives lectures all around the world.
I have been discussing with Mary many of the aspects of the Alien encounter/Abduction phenomenon. I will be working closely with Mary as an intermediary covering Cornwall and the surrounding counties who will be able to offer physical intervention in the event that one of Marys on line clients may need to see a therapist on a one to one basis. The purpose of this article is to let people know that I am available and that this is an area of interest to me and one that I am open minded about. The most important aspect for me as always from a therapist’s perspective is one of helping the client to resolve the presiding issue without judgement or prejudice of any kind thereby enabling to come to a satisfactory resolution with their issues and get on with leading their own lives in a happy and productive way.
If you have never been hypnotised, here is a very brief overview of the hypnotic process.
Hypnosis is very gentle and most subjects respond very well indeed. In fact almost anyone can be hypnotised if they are willing. For some situations involving personal issues such as fears /phobias/ trauma etc I use a combination of different therapies that combine hypnosis using dissociation and reframing techniques with some gentle inner change work using colour and feeling. This is very none invasive where past, often, painful memories are concerned
Hypnosis I believe offers the best chance of helping make permanent and positive change and in essence it is quite a simple process.
Because Hypnosis addresses the subconscious mind directly, putting the conscious thinking part of the mind to one side for a while it is far easier and more effective than using willpower or counselling to create rapid constructive helpful change.
During hypnosis by going back in time to a root cause memory, without the need to recall specific painful events/ emotion’s and talk about them, by using colour and feeling in light trance work, we can heal the emotional memories around the event, or events and create new more positive helpful beliefs allowing you to let go of the past and move on with your life in a much happier frame of mind.
Many changes can take place within a time scale of a few days to just several weeks, if it is a long standing issue that may have complex root causes. For more information please call me on: - 01726 211041

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