Originally uploaded by Beltaine.
The Purpose of Life
The purpose of life is pleasure to put it in simple terms. BUT what is life. This is one of the stumbling stones we stumble upon. Life exists in infinite forms and new forms of life are created all the time. Some by accident some through scientific experiments. What concerns us is to know what we are, what type of life forms we are. Each one of us is a form of artificial intelligence. Pleasure and curiosity is a form of candy for the baby. After all, why should we desire to “live” without a sense of reward? Humans are a new prototype and an offshoot of other life forms. The reasons we were created and improved upon is because we became aware. At that point in time we became such advanced machines that our creators could interface with us, as we will in the future with new life forms we will create. Yes, mankind will some day create artificial life/a new form of life and various kinds of life, which will serve our purpose. Imagine being able to engineer another form of human beings that could live in other forms of environments, which we could not.
A Dark Lord who is a scientist decided to superimpose (posses) itself into a female human (monkey) long time ago to interface with her mind and experience what she experienced during sexual intercourse. The result was that her offspring her child mutated and was believed to be “deformed” but as she grew the female child displayed abilities to make decisions independent of the original programming. But she was unable to bare offspring of her own because of her mutation. So the Dark Lords decided to have more experiments done and interface with many more “humans” to see if the hybrids can procreate with other hybrids. The result was positive.
The shocking discovery, however, was that when the original hybrid died her body released a form of energy which looked just like the Dark Lord who interfaced with her mother. She was unable to move much and communicate because she was like a newborn baby. She was a new form of life trapped between two sets of dimensions having no knowledge of how to move and her telepathic abilities were distorted by her confusion. In other words, she was a consciousness like no other. She was like a new born human baby, curious of what has happened to her. She had all her memories and experience of her previous life able to see what was taking place on earth but unable to communicate with the humans she was separated from. She was more advanced than humans but not as advanced as the Dark Lords.
Earth being one of many science labs the Dark Lords experimented with other humans on other planets who were very much like us, almost identical and the results were the same. Later they brought 4 different variations of humans to Earth and placed them here in various parts of the earth to see what happens. In time one race of humans became aware of the existence of other similar humans. They interacted and had interracial children. The children turned out to be different, lived longer and were a bit more advanced.
The Dark Lords declared earth an off limits world to all others to see what would become of us. Humans who died were adopted by other Dark Lords and educated in their realm. Other beings are allowed to visit our planet as long as they do not interfere in our lives, with few exceptions. Because we are an advanced form of computers/intelligence from time to time the Dark Lords come to extract information from our minds and sometimes intervene in our lives as discretely as possible. The Dark Lords can take any form or shape they desire while here in our realm simply because they can manipulate molecular structure and energies by throwing them out of phase.
When a Dark Lord enters a human body, the human will experience a form of chill unlike any other. That chill is the sensation caused by the molecular structure of the body being thrown out of phase with gravity. They can also take on human form if they want to but only for short periods of time, approximately 8 hours at most. This is because they need to absorb large quantities of radiation, which they in turn transform into the visible body they wish to appear in. The Dark Lords who own this solar system live in the Orion system and their door to the next universe is also there. Anyway, this is knowledge humans cannot use for practical purposes so I will end this subject.
By Maximus Illuminati