Friday, November 07, 2008


What a title eh!

It seems there a some really weird fruit loops roaming america preaching shit about God and Homo's being damned to hell

Well so fucking what.

If its true and god hates fags, then....... Homo's will go to hell fair enough it there choice but why jump up and down and make a scene about it, its there life, if they want to be gay and go to hell thats up to them

I just dont understand why people have to jump up and down bleating on about God trying to ram it down peoples throats when its about choice anyway.

These God bleaters are going to heaven, they are blessed to be angels so why do they rant and rave so, i'll tell you why

Cause God dont exist, Gods fuck all, they know it, we know it and they are shit scared about it so they need to believe that there rants and raves are going to convince themselves and the rest of the world that god loves them

get a fucking life before its all over and you die and realise you've wasted all your life ranting about a figment of yor insane imagination


He's the only god you need


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