Saturday, August 27, 2005

Xade Archives

Originally uploaded by Beltaine.
Wednesday, August 04, 2004

XXXX. Dead?
In response to the eMail I sent detailed in an earlier post, I just recieved the following.
Dear Xade, It is with much sadness and regret that I write to inform you of the passing away of XXXX. His talent, generosity of spirit, his charm and wit were met with a sudden end on the afternoon of Sunday 28th July. The authorities are investigating what appears to be homicide. My sincere apologies for any confusion or inconvenience. It has fallen on me to liaise with you, should you wish to continue in your work with Neurocam. Thank you for your patience. Yours Sincerely, Dean Godman
hmmm... While I never met the man, I do have to say, I loved the suit.
I'll raise a glass to you tonight.

Monday, August 09, 2004

hhmmm... So. Who to trust?
Well, according to the latest from Tript, XXXX is alive and well and is currently in Brussels. Well, that is if you believe the enigmatic Iocus Severus. I for one, haven't had the same communications nor experiences as either Tript or Graham, so to say I trust the man wouldn't be truthful. Now, having said that, this is Neurocam. Or Nautionier. And deception does seem to be part and parcel. As Graham said, I spose we'll find out when they start mailing him to us. But then I hope that doesn't happen.
So. If XXXX isn't dead, where does that leave us? It leaves us with Dean Godman who looks to have taken the reigns over at Neurocam (or at least for the time being). And it leaves us with Nikolay (Who seems to be a Yellow 1 operative.)
Again, neither of these men I would trust, but I must say, I have had an interesting correspondence with Nikolay recently. An excert as follows.
You know more than you let on.
We need to meet in person.
Can you give me Dean Godmans email address or phone number?
First of all... A meeting with Nikolay!!. Interesting... Although Iocus seems to be sure that the 'footage' of XXXX was a fake, it still doesn't make me any surer of meeting this guy. We'll just have to make sure that it in is a very public place.
Secondly. Why would Nikolay be looking for Dean? Why would Nikolay be out of contact with Dean? Is Dean being an absolute sussy here? Has he make some kind of power play within the ranks of Neurocam/Nautionier? Will there ever be an answer to my questions? And why do I have the feeling that XXXX is ducking down, out of sight, behind that grassy knoll...

One night in Moscow.

Last night, I met the mysterious Nikolay. The arrangement was to meet on the corners of brunswick and Johnston streets, in a tiny pub with no name.
We idenitifed ourselves with a pre-determined gesture, the raising of a glass, and then we were talking.
Now, coming into this, I had a lot of preconceptions about this guy, mainly based on this comment over at Tripts house
You better watch yourself boy. If you really want to be invited to one of our barbeques it can be arranged.
lead me to lovingly refer to the guy as the crazy Ruskie. (Though never out loud where anybody would hear me...). But I am pleased to say that Nikolay was the nicest guy I've ever met. If I wasn't so taken... and hetero... and he wasn't working for some sus organisation... I so would have... If you know what I mean... ;)
But moving along. Conversation flowed, Neurocam came up, Yellow 1 came up. I noticed a couple of indescrepencies in what he said, namely that he hadn't heard of Tript? that one struck me as very odd considering the above comment... but moving along.
Apparently, he works for a division of Yellow 1. In true cloak and dagger style, the left hand of Yellow 1 doesn't know what the right hand is doing, so the was a lot of 'I don't know's or 'I can't tell you's. To be honest though, I don't know how much of it can be trusted though.

I think I did get out of it was a minidisk. The minidisk had a label with the name Dr [something I can't remember cause I'm at work and it's at home] Amed, and had a series of numbers along with the letters MDB. Nikolay seemed to insinuate that the disk contained information on the untimely disappearance of our friend Robert Henley. Sadly, I don't have a minidisk player, so until I find one, it's contents will remain a secret. (I'm chasing a couple of people, but any help on this would be great).
There was one other thing on the minidisk, under the label the was some writing that had been crossed out with a black marker. The first letter looked to be a P or an F and the last looked to be a 6. I tried to remove the top layer of marker and it started to come off. Thinking that Nikolay wouldn't have needed to cross it out if it could just be rubbed out, I put my back into it. Now it is gone :(.
Anyways. Back to Nikolay. We chatted. Had a drink or two. And then he was gone. My overall opinion of the guy was that he seemed alright. Still, he did let forth some conflicting stories, and I've been hearing some additional nasty pastyness on the grapevine which may or may no be made public soon... So I don't know. I don't think I will trust him (Not that I actually trust anybody associated with Neurocam). But having said that, if I met him in a dark alley, I don't think I would run. (Well, not straight away anyways...)

Now. Lets move onto the important stuff. Like Neurocam.
It all started with the Mini-disc from the sus Russian Nikolay, you know, the one with the 'special ****'. tee hee... It's "special". So anyway, I got a mini-disc from this guy with the following label.
MDB: 234-803-046360
(Where the MDB could possibly have read MOB...)
Now, not having a mini-disc player, I concidered cracking the thing open to look for hidden messages, a-la Grahams slide, but I got an offer to use Tripts prior to me doing anything I might have regretted...
So anyway, the meeting was set. It was night, cold and the coffee was Starbucks. Damn you starbucks. Anyway, I met up with Tript, and I must say, it is good to put a face to the blog, and while I'm sure he hears this a lot, and to any ladies out there, Tript looks suprisingly like David Beckham. I dunno... maybe it's the eyebrows...
But anyways, we're sitting there, we have coffee. we have cigarettes, we have a mini-disc and a minidisc player, time to move to the business end of things...
ba ba baaaaam... to be continued... ;)

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

So, XXXX made a phone call
- and?
Did I mention he was suposed to be dead?
- no.
And he got involved in a Nigerian Fraud Scheme.
- So?
And that's where we are left. XXXX seems to have gotten involved in a Nigerian Scheme with a Dr Samuel Amedu, or at least that is how the conversation started. XXXX was then passed on to Samuels colleague, the esteemed 'Mr [I couldn't understand his name... Damn Nigerian Accent and shonky recording...]'. Now, apparently, XXXX wanted to fly to Lagos to meet with these two shady customers prior to commencing the 'transaction'.
The next part of the minidisc was what sounded like a voicemail message left for XXXX. It was left for him from someone from the 'Federal Ministry of Finance'. The message didn't really say a lot sadly...
Now, how this fits in with XXXX being Tortured/killed as Dean/Nikolay would have us believe, or hanging out in Brussels as Iocus claims, is a whole different question.
Though, maybe it's not.

I was all geared up this morning to front up...
and start venting some impatients on Neurocam...
Apparently that wasn't neccessary.
I got an email from our good friend Nikolay. I'm sure you all remember him.
While I'm going to keep a lot of it close to the table, I'll sum it up in three words.
Don't. Trust. Iocus.
It looks like a line is being drawn in the sand here. Which side will you be on when the castle falls. If the castle falls?
Oh, and on a less dramatic note, seems that XXXX IS in Nigeria. Shuting down the fraudsters. I just can't get the image of the white suit, swooping in, superhero like, putting an end to those endless bloody spams out of my head. Go XXXX.

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